Take Advantage Of Modern Acne Treatments By Consulting A Dermatologist

If you had acne decades ago, there was no real treatment available. Over-the-counter face creams often worsened this condition. Pasty creams were harsh and increased inflammation. So patients tolerated the miserable signs of acne on their facial skin, which caused them emotional as well as physical pain. Modern treatments today now allow dermatologists to successfully treat acne conditions. Types of Acne And Associated Treatments Dermatologists examine the acne areas on your skin. Read More 

Treating A Sunburn: What To Know And How To Prevent Them In The Future

If your skin is turning bright red in the sun, it's a sign that you needed to put on sunscreen much earlier and that you need to get out of the sun before your skin blisters and peels. If you do have a sunburn and you have peeling skin or your skin feels painful long after you're out of the sun, you need to treat it properly. Some sunburns may not be painful at all, while others may be painful for days after the original burn. Read More 

Botox: Everything You Need to Know

You have probably heard about Botox and that it's used to fill in your wrinkles, but it has many other uses as well. Botox can be used for several medical purposes, including for migraines, excessive perspiration, and even for crossed eyes. If you are considering getting Botox for cosmetic purposes, read on for further information about Botox for cosmetic purposes, including what all it can treat and side effects.  What Can Botox Treat? Read More 

What To Know About MOHS Surgery And Recovery

The last thing that anyone wants to hear from their doctor is that they have cancer. If you are going to get one type of cancer though, skin cancer isn't quite as frightening because when it's caught in its early stages it can easily treated. Depending on the biopsy results that your doctor gets back, they may recommend a popular skin cancer treatment called MOHS surgery.  MOHS surgery is a type of surgery that is named after the doctor that created it. Read More 

Minor Skin Irritation? How To Treat It At Home

Skin irritations can be located anywhere on the body. They can be concerning if they worsen and are spreading across your body, or if they are causing you pain or too much discomfort. If you do notice any of these things, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist to have your skin irritation treated properly. If you have just a minor irritation, you may be able to treat it at home using the tips below. Read More